Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Ideologies for survival and Politics of Convenience

When we look into the present international political scenario, we can see and hear regular news on strikes, protest, war, and terrorist attacks inside and in between countries.

Any unrest or clash between people in any part of the world is happening for a purpose, but most of the time the real objective or the reason of these issues may not come in public, most of the time the regular public are learning the projected reasons of these problems other than the original one,

Whatever may be the reason for a fight, to start it, we need leaders or organisers, when it comes to the leadership of a group, most of the time we can see a hidden shift from the collective objective of that group to more of a personal objective of the leadership.

Sometimes to achieve a personal goal of a person or a group of people, they can create or highlight issues to which a community is seriously concerned about, the issues can be food and shelter, job and survival, cultural and religious ideologies, safety and protection from intrusions, migrations and exploitations etc., 

But at the time of raising a community to stand and fight for a common reason, the leadership might have something else in their mind as their personal objective.

This personal objective of any leadership is mostly connected with power and wealth.

At every stage of human evolution and history of mankind we can find the desire for wealth and power as the reason for all kind of struggle and fight. Projected reason as a collective objective for the group might be different but the private objective of the leadership mostly sticks with achieving power & wealth. 

As social beings, human beings have to have a common purpose, objective or goal to get united and survive as a successful team, and it’s the duty of any successful leader to invent, maintain or highlight an attractive point of purpose or objective which looks like the need of the time.

Now days in our so-called modern civilized world, we see ideological fights everywhere, ideological fights like, fight between communist ideology and capitalistic ideology, fight between autocratic ideology and democratic ideology, fight between religious and cultural ideologies etc.,

But the funniest thing about these ideological fights between countries and communities all over the world is that the ideologies highlighted by the leaders to start a fight or invasion is used as the reason to start it and that projected ideology get vanished step by step, sometimes all of a sudden after the fight started. 

On top of this the shocking reality which we see now days is more than forgetting the ideology they used to start the fight, the leaders even adopt ideologies completely opposite to their projected ideology soon after starting the fight.

In the real-life situation, it is difficult for the followers to criticize or question the leadership even though the leader’s actions are completely against the common objective of the community. If in any case the followers raise their voice against leaders then it get suppressed or the group get divided, if the group get divided then there will be new set of leaders, and the new leaders has to fight with the old leaders for their power or survival, which means again the main objective is sidelined for both the group. 

The common projected purpose of a community or a country might be political, economic, cultural or religious differences but the basic objectives of all fights by the leaders are for power and money. 

The sad thing among all these fights are the strongest team will prove that their ideology is correct and the best and the defeated team will have to give away or surrender their ideology even if it is correct and best for them.

When it comes to the international politics and global economic fight which is happening at present, the leading countries and world leaders have no problem in changing their projected ideologies or playing politics of convenience to achieve economic benefits and political power.

Have a look into some real time examples 

Leader & Action

Projected Objective

Real Objective

United State of America in Invasion of Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria 


Defeating Terrorism, reinstating Democracy and protecting humanity & human right

Power and Money (petroleum, and defense against Russia and regional powers)

Taliban of Afghanistan

Install Islamic Emirate under Shariah law

power and money (even be an alley of China who is against shariah)

Russia & China

propagation of Communism 

power and money (Belt and road, Mines, central Asian politics)

Israel’s cooperation with Saudi Arabia

Economic development and peace 

Fight against Iran for the safety of Israel and Saudi Arabia.

Turkey’s actions against France

To protect Islamic ideology

Power fight in the Mediterranean Sea for Special Economic zone, Oil fields and control over Cypress  

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